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Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead: Ghost of the Past

Aug 13, 2023

Can Akira survive working under his old boss again?

Warning: The following contains spoilers for Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead Episode 6, "RV of the Dead", now streaming on Netflix & Crunchyroll.

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead has been taking some really hard hits recently due to the number of delays. Some may be upset due to these delays, but the quality of this adaptation is worth the wait for others. Transforming a great manga into a great anime takes time and thankfully Zom 100 has been worth the wait thus far.

As a refresher, episode five had Akira accomplishing his latest item on his bucket list, becoming a hero. This stems from a dream he had as a kid. While Akira and Kencho head to an aquarium to acquire a shark diving suit, this will allow Akira to fight zombies without having to worry about getting bit. While at the aquarium the duo runs into Miss Risk Analyzer (a.k.a Shizuka Mikasuki) and a zombie shark. By working together they stop the zombie shark, live to see another day, and Akira finally gets Shizuka’s number.

Related: Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead: Zombie Shark

The start of episode six thrusts Akira and Kencho into the second-biggest problem survivors face in a zombie apocalypse. Finding power and water. Due to the power going out the two won’t be able to get fresh water from the pump anymore or get the news. Could this mean that the zombies have finally overrun the city? There is one upside to the power outage, the two can finally see the stars. Remembering gazing at the stars with his parents as a child Akira with Kencho head off to Akira’s hometown.

Not knowing how long it will take due to road conditions Akira plans to grab an RV to take along with the bike. This will keep them safe on the road and give them a place to sleep at night. Surprisingly they meet Shizuka at the dealership. After finding out Skizuka doesn't have a license the duo get her to join them on their trip, since driving without a license seems dangerous for Miss Risk Analyser.

While viewing the large selection of RVs the trio are forced to jump into the nearest one due to a hoard of zombies. The group make out on the road with Akira drives the RV while Kencho drives the motorbike. Naturally nothing could be that easy. The group end up running over a spike trap causing Kencho to be thrown off the bike and get injured. Like the hundred zombie movies Shizuka has watched, the group have stumbled upon a gang and the head just happens to be the chief of Akira’s old job.

Akira struggles to handle the reality that in order to keep his friend safe he’ll have to work under Gonzou Kosugi, but he relents since he believes it will only be for two days. The sight of all the exhausted workers reminds Akira of what life was like at his old work. Akira tries to make it work and even attempts to chill bears, but Kosugi won’t have any of it. Like the zombie he uses to pull the trucks, Akira is just a piece of equipment for him.

This is the first episode in the season that ends on an extremely bitter note. Akira has somehow been roped into working like another mindless zombie by his old boss Gonzou Kosugi. He gives up his freedom so that Kencho can be patched up, and all three can be safe from the zombies but at what cost? Akira is stuck in a lifeless job, but instead of working at a computer he is forced to move cargo, repair fences, and face his greatest fears.

Episode six deals with two sides of the zombie apocalypse. The first being the freedom people are given due to the downfall of society. Akira and Kencho can finally go and get full gold watches or get a fancy RV. The trio can take a trip to Akira’s hometown without worrying about work. However, there is also the dark side of power outages and gangs. Shizuka knows that Kosugi will never let them go. It would risk losing the little workers he has with no guarantee of finding replacements. Plus he’s already broken Akira, and it looks like it won’t take him long to break him again.

Based on how the episode ended Kosugi is going to be the big bad for the next episode at least if not the rest of the season. This makes sense because Akira isn’t all that frightened of zombies or zombie sharks. Though like Shizuka said to Kencho, Akira’s heart never forgot the fear he had for his chief. Based on the minor flashback fans saw, it's clear that Shizuka understands what Akira is experiencing. Perhaps she’ll be the one to snap Akira out of it or will we finally meet the mysterious fourth character that is shown in the intro and outro of the anime.

More: Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead: I Quit

Warning: The following contains spoilers for Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead Episode 6, "RV of the Dead", now streaming on Netflix & Crunchyroll.Zom 100: Bucket List of the DeadEpisode Breakdown Ghost of the Past